Recap of Sept 12, ‘22 Wildwood Planning and Zoning Meeting (and preview of Oct meeting)

Notes by Michele Balma

The City of Wildwood Planning & Zoning board meets the first Monday of every month at 6 pm in the City Hall Commissioner’s Meeting Room, 4400 New Jersey Ave, Wildwood NJ 08260. View agendas and plans beforehand at city hall during their business hours (M-F 8 am - 4 pm). Members of the public are allowed to attend and offer public comment on most agenda items. Zoom attendance is currently discontinued.

629 W. Andrews Ave.     Roland Roy    

The lot is 90’ x 100’.  It currently has a single-family home on it along with a shed and a garage. Another garage was demolished this past March.  The owner wants to replace the existing garage with a new 24’ x 36’ structure that includes a ground level garage and a one-story home. When asked why the lots weren’t subdivided, the reply was that the existing structures were in unique places and doing so would cause more demolition and affect the amount of parking spaces.  The lot is oversized and can contain two homes.  There are pre-existing conditions that are non-conforming.  The existing house will remain.

The motion passed unanimously. 

146 E. Spencer Ave.

The lot is 80’ x 100’ and contained a 13-unit multifamily dwelling that has been demolished.  Proposed is a 6-unit housing project that required a D5 variance for density.  Since this had previously been approved, the owner can ask for a one-year extension.  The reason must be justified and have no changes.

The motion passed unanimously. 

410 W. Cedar Ave.               Kathy Fulginiti

Three lots are owned and a lot subdivision is required.  One lot would go under 410 W. Cedar and the other two would be 408 W. Cedar.  When building prices come down, a duplex would be built that looks like a single-family home. Variances are not being sought.  There is an existing encroachment of 3” that will not cause a problem since the entire property belongs to one family.  The rear fence is also an encroachment, but it turns out the fence belongs to the neighbor, so it’s a moot point.  The Board wanted to be sure a monument would be added to define the property line.

The motion passed unanimously. 

3601-3611 Pacific Ave. BG Capital

This property was previously approved for J1 housing.  It came to the Board to be amended to change from J1 to a motel.  There was a lot of discussion as to why the change between the board and the owners.  Here are a couple of the reasons:  people have been buying older properties and converting them into J1 units, thus reducing the need for a massive J1 housing project and Wildwood does need more motels.  As a motel, the longest people can stay is 21 days.  The valet parking will be on Pacific Avenue.  The current parking in front of the motel must be enlarged to accommodate three cars, which will take the two current metered spaces away from the city.  Clear signage was also required by the Board.  The area across the street that has the old Union Bank on it will be demolished for hotel parking. One person from the public spoke in favor of the project.  No one spoke against it.

The motion passed unanimously. 

Planning and Zoning Preview  for  October 3, 2022

Notes by Kathy Fulginiti

5402 Arctic Ave. Robert Colleluori

This is an existing building for which the owners want to add an external elevator for the use of elderly parents.  A variance is needed for hardship since the elevator would be around 3-5 ½‘ from the property line.

143 E Wildwood Ave. John Bariana

 This lot, which is currently vacant, has a front of 50’ and a depth of 100”.  The owner wants to build two semi-detached units, each with 4 bedrooms and three off-street parking spots. Variances are needed for lot size, maximum building coverage, and use (semi-detached not permitted in this area). The building height max is 37’ and they are requesting 44’.  

The next two applications are for informal consideration only.  They are owned by the same person and butt up to each other.  There is no vote or public input at this time.

3309 Susquehanna Ave. Lawrence McKnight

The lot is 59’ in the front and 80’ in depth.  It is zoned R-1 (low density residential).  There is presently a single-family house there that would be demolished to make way for a single-family semi-detached duplex.  (That wording has me stumped. A single-family duplex? Just calling it a duplex means two families could live there – one family in each unit.) Quite a few variances are needed.  The side yard set-back is a required 15’ and they want 7 ½’ on the side street and 6’ on the bay side.  The requirement for the back yard setback is 15’ and they are requesting 12’. The building height is close: 35’ is the requirement and wanted is 39.9375’. The area is only zoned for one house and two are wanted.  A D5 variance would be needed.

444 W. Wildwood Ave. Lawrence McKnight

This vacant lot is narrow, with 40’ frontage and a 70’ depth. There are many variances requested with this one, also.  The side yard requires 15’ and they want 5 ½’.  In the front yard 10’ are required, while they are asking for 8 ½’.  The back yard has a requirement of 15’ and 9 ½’ is requested.  The height maximum is 40.25 (includes a 10% leeway) and 42.1458’ is wanted.  I don’t understand the next one.  Density is listed at 3603 sf/du max (du = dwelling unit).  They want 1400sf/du. The area is only zoned for one house and two are wanted.  A D5 variance would be needed.  This building is intended to be a stacked unit.

The City of Wildwood Planning & Zoning board meets the first Monday of every month at 6 pm in the City Hall Commissioner’s Meeting Room, 4400 New Jersey Ave, Wildwood NJ 08260. View agendas and plans beforehand at city hall during their business hours (M-F 8 am - 4 pm). Members of the public are allowed to attend and offer public comment on most agenda items. Zoom attendance is currently discontinued

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